Animal Lovers Call For Rally In Delhi Against Killing of Stray Dogs
Remember Bruno? The pet dog whose legs were tied and was beaten to death with iron rods and sticks by humans on a beachside in Kerala.
There are thousands of dogs like Bruno. Without a name. Without a home. They brave the heat and cold, lack of food and water but worst of all, wanton human cruelty. Their only fault- they are born on the street. Thousands of dogs like Bruno, have been subjected to severe atrocities in the recent past all over India and more specifically in the State of Kerala- the state with the highest literacy rate. What are we teaching?
We therefore asks all animal lovers to unite and demand justice for helpless strays. This is a call for responsible citizens to participate in a rally on September 24 at 2 pm near Jantar Mantar and demand a dignified life for stray animals.
Despite the matter being sub-judicebefore the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and despite issuance of protective orders in favour of the street dogs to protect them from any harm and danger as also relocation from their respective territories, recently, thousands of innocent street dogs have been mercilessly killed, harmed and relocated from their territory in the following ghastly manner:
Kerala: Over 1000 street dogs (including pet dogs) have been poisoned, beaten to death with iron rods and sticks, hung by the neck, burned and buried alive.
Bellary, Karnataka: Over 100 street dogs whose mouths and legs were tied with metal wires were thrown into the forest.
Nipani, Belgaum, Karnataka: Over 60 street dogs beaten up, bound and thrown outside the municipal limits.
Bijapur, Karnataka: Over 25 dogs and pups were beaten and taken away by the Patil Medical College.
Dogs have been domesticated and been the companions of humans since centuries. Dogs are an integral part of the Army and Police and have proven to be the best therapy animals for the blind, autistic children and people in need. With the onset of several natural calamities including widespread flash floods, incessant rainfall, spread of epidemics and dangerous diseases, is it not time we learn and understand to CO-EXIST and respect nature and her creations.
Animal Cruelty is scientifically known to be perpetrated by humans who often harm children, abuse women and engage in heinous crimes. It is light of the recent hostility and rise of cruelty against street dogs, we the Citizens of India seek to call attention to the need for compassion for all living beings and to discharge our constitutional duty under Article 51 (g) & (h) of the Constitution of India. Our Citizens Rally stands up for dogs, man’s best friend who down the ages have given us their unconditional love, loyalty and service. It is appealed to all citizens of India, to join this Citizens Rally and speak up for those who cannot speak.
We call for immediate implementation of the following:
Nationwide implementation of Animal Birth Control Rules, 2001 to sterilize and immunize street dogs, advertised and promoted to encourage public participation.
Appropriate sensitivity training for municipal and panchayat staff as well as for police and law enforcement agencies.
Inclusion of animal welfare as a subject in schools.
Promotion of PM Modi’s initiative to adopt Indian Dogs, preventing illegal breeding and sale of dogs.
The immediate adoption of the amended Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act, 1960 with increased punishment for crimes against animals.