BJP Wants Female Cops To Verify Burqa-Clad Voters In Bengal
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday requested the Deputy Election Commissioner to deploy female CPF personnel in Muslim-dominated areas to verify burqa-clad voters in the forthcoming Assembly polls in the state.
In the letter, the BJP said that it is not possible for CPF jawans to establish the identity of burqa-clad females before permitting them entry into the booth during the polling.
“In minority (Muslim) areas, female voters normally come clad in burqa. It is not possible for CPF jawans to establish their identity before permitting them entry into the booth. You are requested to ensure that these areas are mapped in advance and adequate number of female CPF are deployed,” read the letter.
BJP further alleged that there has been a sharp rise in the numbers of electors, especially in many parts that are close to the Bangladesh border.
“From the draft electoral list that was made public on November 18, it was noticed that there has been a sharp rise in the numbers of electors, especially in many parts that are close to the Bangladesh border and those that are predominantly minority voters,” the letter said.
“As an example, we would draw your attention to 149 AC Kasba; 151 AC Sonarpur Uttar; 157 AC Metiabruz. In 149 AC Kasba ward number 66, there has been a rise of approximately 10 per cent in the number of electors. All constituencies have not had any new township or settlement, yet there is a substantial jump in electors. Also, we find that dead voters and those who have changed their dwelling place are not struck out from the voters’ list. In the past elections, it has been seen these votes have also been cast,” it said. (ANI)