‘Dalits And Rajputs Are Joining Forces To Challenge Manuvadis’
Prof Vilas Kharat, a writer and political activists, says a new era in Indian politics is on the horizon with Rajputs allying with Backwards to bring social justice. His Views:
The country is waking up to a new dawn where the marginalized sections are uniting against the authoritarian class. Allow me explain and put things in perspective. There are two communities in India among the most mistreated and maligned: the first is the Mulniwasi (the original inhabitant, Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe) and the second is Kshatriyas (Rajputs).
These two communities have been pitted against each other since ages by a section of Manuwadi forces. The fact is that Mulniwasis and Rajputs have had cordial relations peaceful co-existence since ages. . Both the communities are bound with one uniting force, that it Lord Buddha and his teachings. The Mulniwasis consider them as the torch-bearers of Buddhism in India and spread his teaching which is the most beautiful gift to the world which this country gave. Incidentally, Lord Buddha was an Ikshvakuvanshi Kshatriya and hence the bond.
Now Rajput youths are coming back to their age-old Buddhist fold and reinventing the teachings of Lord Buddha with their Mulniwasi brethren. Nothing can be more beautiful than these two communities coming together for a better future and harmony of the country. History tells us that many a time these two communities joined forces to battle push back aggressors and expansionists.
The new slogan of – Jai Mulniwasi, Jai Kshatra Dharm—has also been coined during the meets of Dalit activists and Rajput youths, which seems like a beginning of a new era in India’s politics. We are happy to see that the Rajput youths have begun celebrating Buddha Poornima with Buddhist Mulniwasis in many parts of the country. This unity marks a new beginning in the history of India’s socio-political stage.
ALSO READ: ‘Rajputs Have To Fight Court Battles For Their Ancestry’
Rajput estates like Jashpur, Mewar, have a clear mention of the role of Mulniwasis in shaping of the kingdoms. Rjaput kingdoms had a major role of Mulniwasis not only in their army but also in their economy. The king of Bastar’s Kakatiya estate Praveer Bhanjdeo was killed protecting the rights of the Mulniwasis of the forest of the area. And now this history is being repeated.
These two communities also share the same kind of dejection and atrocities in terms of social justice at the hands of Manuvadis. Despite giving many generations to this country, the Rajput community is still being targeted by Manuvadis. There are targeted campaigns on social media, against the Rajput youths who are openly chanting the new slogan of ‘Jai Mulniwasi – Jai Kshatra Dharm’ or even ‘Namo Buddhay’. They are being labeled as traitors and sub-human by Manuvadis. But their historic bond remains unflinching. The Rajputs and Mulniwasis have shaped the country culturally, historically and now it’s time to shape it politically too.
Like the legendary great freedom fighters, Bhagwan Birsa Munda and Babu Kunwar Singh, the Mulniwasi and the Rajput youths are uniting for the betterment of this country. They share the same revolutionary feeling and love for the motherland like their ancestors did. We are sure that we will script not only a new history, but also bring about a change to the socio-political mindset of people soon.
The narrator is the national general secretary of Bharat Mukti Morcha, an offshoot of the BAMCEF (All India Backward and Minorities Employees Federation),
Read More: lokmarg.com
As told to Deepti Sharma
Thank you Prof Vilas Kharat sir, for putting up the plight of both communities – the Mulnivasis & Kshatriyas. Today, the Kshatriya youth are willing to listen and learn from Dalit Bahujan intellectuals – even accepting their leadership since unlike Brahminical or Khap-based communities, the Dalit-Bahujan discourse is “justice for all”.