Modi Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

Modi Recalls Pain Of People On ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’

Modi Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday remembered those who lost their lives during the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947. 

“Partition Horrors Remembrance Day is an occasion to reverently remember those Indians whose lives were sacrificed in the partition of the country. Along with this, this day also reminds us of the suffering and struggle of those who were forced to bear the brunt of displacement. I salute all such people,” PM Modi said in a tweet in Hindi. 

PM Modi in 2021, announced that August 14 will be observed as ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’, to remind the nation of the sufferings and sacrifices of Indians during the partition in 1947. 

India attained its freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947. 

Independence Day, which is celebrated on 15th August every year, is a joyous and proud occasion for any nation; however, with the sweetness of freedom came also the trauma of partition.

The birth of the newly independent Indian nation was accompanied by violent pangs of partition that left permanent scars on millions of Indians. 

The partition caused the largest migrations in human history affecting about 20 million people. Millions of families had to abandon their ancestral villages/towns/cities and were forced to find a new life as refugees. (ANI) 

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