Plinth Construction Starts At Ram Temple In Ayodhya
The third phase of the construction of the Ram temple began at Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya on January 24 with the laying of the granite stones for the plinth.
With a view to achieving strength, other physical and chemical features and
consequent longevity, the work of plinth with granite stone has begun.
Keeping in mind the Temple life of thousand years and beyond, it was decided to use the strongest natural granite of southern India.
About 17,000 stones of size 5 feet x 2.5 feet x 3 feet are being used in the construction of the Plinth of the Temple. The weight of each stone is approximately 2.50 tons. The activity of laying of granite stone is likely to be completed by May 2022.
Digital instrumentation is being used to monitor the safety parameters of the temple. Data of these instruments will be used to study the behaviour of the structure in respect of loading, earthquake, etc.
The master plan for the entire campus outside Parkota has been finalized and approved by statutory authorities.
It includes Pilgrimage Facilitation Centre, Museum, Archives, Research Centre, Auditorium, Gaushala, Yagya Shala, Administrative Building, etc. Detailing of design and utility services are under progress and the construction work of buildings other than Temple will also be started by April 2022.
The superstructure of the Temple will have carved Bansi Paharpur stone from Rajasthan. The skilled persons have especially undertaken the carving which is being supervised by architect M/s CB Sompura.
The construction work of the Temple is progressing according to the plan and by December 2023 devotees will be able to get the opportunity of Lord Shri Ram darshan.
Based on the judgment of the Supreme Court dated November 9, 2019, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust was entrusted in February 2020 to undertake the work of Shri Ram Temple construction at Ayodhya.
The Trust constituted a construction committee with Shri Nripendra Misra as its chairman.
The Temple construction has been entrusted to M/s Larsen and Toubro with project monitoring being closely performed by M/s Tata Consulting Engineers.
A three-storey Temple with Garbh Griha and five Mandapas is being built.
The area of Temple construction is approximately 10 acres with development of complex measuring 57 acres for various amenities to pilgrims. A museum-cumresearch centre is being planned to ensure the historical, monumental and architectural significance of Ayodhya. The Temple will be constructed by using the stones of Rajasthan and Karnataka.
After necessary soil testing of the area, it was decided that the entire area will be dug and excavation work up to 12 meters depth will be undertaken. The soil has been replaced by a solid engineered rock in 48 layers with mechanical roller compaction. The total excavation involved was 70 lakh cft (cubic feet). The laying of concrete of approximately 44.5 lakh cft. has been closely monitored in terms of strength and other civil parameters.
After filling the excavated area which is the foundation, a five feet thick cement concrete raft has been laid.
A team of experts from various IITs along with Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, closely observed the behaviour of the concrete in terms of thermal and other engineering indices. This was completed before the onset of the monsoon.
The drawings and design have been supervised by IIT Chennai, IIT Kanpur, NIT Surat, CBRI Roorkee, M/s Tata Consulting Engineers and the implementing company M/s Larsen and Toubro. (ANI)