Uddhab Bharali-A college dropout who invented 140 machines
He has never been to a technical college but Uddhab Bharali (55) has till now invented 140 devices only to simplify the daily life of people living in villages. One of his inventions has been recognised by the NASA as well. He is undoubtedly India’s master inventor, who lives in a tiny house in Assam where he has dedicated his life to the inventions.
Most of his inventions are focused to empower farmers in agriculture and to help handicapped people. For example, once the bank authorities told them to vacate their home due to his father’s debts. Uddhab took few days from them and built a polythene-making machine and sold it for Rs 67,000 against the market price of Rs 5 lakhs. He used the money to pay off the loans.
He has developed a robotic hand for the physically challenged and those who lost their limbs due to accident or illness. It is important to mention that he gives two hours everyday to his research, and develops unique, cost-friendly and useful devices.
Early Life
Uddhab was a gifted child, who always had a knack to invent. “After completing first grade, I was directly promoted to third grade and from Class VI, I was promoted to Class VIII. I loved mathematics. I even tutored some of my classmates to help them get good grades,” said Uddhab Bharali. Uddhab said: “I dropped out of college in 1987, because I was unable to pay the fees. However, I continued to build gadgets in the free time, which was my passion and it also helped us in our day-to-day life.” His first invention took place when his family was dabbling under pressure of debt.
However, people got to know about his inventions came when a writer-engineer Arnab Jan Deka wrote about it in two prominent Assam dailies.
The other side
Being a successful innovator he develops user-friendly equipments for the handicaps. Apart from his other inventions he spends almost two to three hours for research and to develop aids for the handicaps. He has been financially supporting around 20 poor families.
He is mobilising these people and generating employment for them. Few of his inventions have played pivotal role in the lives of handicapped people. He has developed a cleaning machine for those people who have lost their hands. Also, he has developed a rice flour machine which can be operated automatically.
He gives a monthly pension of Rs 1,200 a month to six widows, while three physically challenged persons get Rs 2,500 per month. He also runs a small research and training institute where he trains underprivileged students for three months, and help them learn more about technology and its applications.
He proudly said: “I am a recipient of president’s Grassroot Innovation Award 2009. Apart from that I felt truly honoured when NASA declared me winner of engineering design contest organized by NASA Tech ‘Create the Future Design Contest’ for the year 2012 and 2013.” He is also the recipient of ‘Rashtriya Ekta Samman for year 2013. Bharali is invited to give lectures at various Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). He has been featured in History Channel’s TV Show, ‘OMG! Yeh Mera India.’ Besides, Apart from that he was honoured with doctorate from Assam Agricultural University.
Few Inventions –
Nut peeling device that could peel around 120 nuts in a single minute. – Pomegranate deseeder which can separate the outer hard skin from the inner thin membrane without any damage to the seed. It can easily deseeding around 55 kilogram of pomegranates per hour. – Garlic peeling machine, tobacco leaf cutter, paddy thresher, cane stripping machine, brass utensil polishing machine, safed musli peeling machine, trench digger and a chopper for cattle and fisheries feed are popular and being used in foreign countries. – A robotic hand for handless people. This device can help handicap people in eating food, holding books etc.
Contact Details- Mr. Uddhab Bharali K B Road, North Lakshimpur Assam: 787001 Email: ukbharali@yahoo.co.in +91 9435189642