‘Bhoomi Poojan Was Rubbing Salt Into Our Wounds’
Husan Ara, 46, says BJP has discarded the teachings of Ram ji. Ara believes Muslims are being targeted in a systematic and planned manner
When the Babri Masjid demolition took place in 1992, I was at my parents’ house in Kanpur with my new-born child. The demolition sparked off communal riots. For two days, a Hindu neighbour shielded 25-30 of us Muslims until his life came under threat. In that fearful atmosphere, we shifted to a Muslim area for shelter. I was around 19 then and till today I cannot forget those fearful days; its memory still scares my soul. I made myself a promise: I would never let hatred find space in my heart and I have been working towards spreading the message of harmony and humanity.
But today, with the BJP government in power, Muslims are being attacked, both covertly and overtly, in a far more poisonous way than 1992. Back then rioting was a-heat-of-the-moment response; now it is a systematic and planed attack at the very Muslim identity. The recent Ramjanmbhoomi Poojan ceremony at Ayodhya shows this clearly.
The government which didn’t have any time or strategy for migrant labourers on the road during lockdown or for people rendered homeless due to floods or the falling economy, pulled out all the stops for the bhoomi poojan. Talk of priorities!
ALSO READ: ‘Forget Mandir-Masjid, Focus On Issues That Matter’
It is not about shifting the mosque to a new address. It is about continuously striking at and humiliating the Muslim identity. Wasn’t it graceful of Muslims to accept the Supreme Court verdict last November? But no, the bhoomi poojan had to be made into a gala affair, even during pandemic, to rub salt on our wounds.
Muslims in India have grown up watching the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. We understand the essence of Ram and his teachings well. But perhaps Modi ji does not understand it. Ram represented the virtues of an ideal ruler who is dayaalu (compassionate), vinamra (soft-spoken) and nyaypriya (fair and just). Even when Ravan was dying Ram Ji asked Lakshman Ji to sit at the demon king’s feet and seek advice. Dushmanon se bhi acche se pesh aate the Ram ji (Lord Ram would treat even his enemies with respect).
No matter what the BJP and RSS believe or propagate, Indian Muslims are a secular lot and love to blend with the culture of this land. We have respect and reverence for Ram Ji and he would never have approved the dismantling or destruction of an existing religious structure which our present rulers have done.
There was an illustration doing the rounds after bhoomi poojan where Modiji can be seen taking Ram Ji towards the Ayodhya temple. I was aghast to see how Modiji was made bigger than Ram Ji? Is our PM even greater than God? Have the Modi bhakts lost it?
ALSO READ: ‘Glad That Muslims Have Accepted SC Verdict’
Ram was called Maryada Purushottam butthere is no maryada in our leaders of today. Whenthebhoomipoojan got over, many people in complete disregard to social distancing, came out in droves and burst crackers.
Ram ji taught us that having power isn’t enough; it is equally important to use that power wisely. I hope people understand that their hatred for the ordinary Indian Muslim is not on just grounds. Hatred begets more hatred. I hope my countrymen understand that our hearts are our mandir–masjid as well. Hamara dil bhoomi jaisa hai jisme prem aur sauhard jaise gunon ki sthapana ki jani chahiye (our hearts are like the ground on which the seeds of love and harmony are to be sowed).

where was ur article when delhi riots happened??where was ur articke during CAA protests, NRC protests?? why u did not write about shahin bagh and halala and teen talak.why r u silent on one nation one law??? why r u silent on recent bangalore riots???
why all muslims are involved in riots and anti national movements..
u r just a hypocriate and if u have priblem then u can shift to pakistan as ur brother muslims have already duvided hindustan on the basis of religion…
this is hindustan and first preference is to hindus and non muslims…..if u want to stay here u hv to abide the law here and stay disciplined or u r free to move to any islamist country.
Why are they silent on exploration of women in their religion? agar sawal uthaoge to jawab bhi sunoge. what happened to Sita, Draupadi and Ahelya? how many mothers Ram was having? today also how many of you are having extra marital affairs? why don’t you allow widow women to remarry? in Islam, women are giving so many special rights. it’s beyond your small mind to think that broad minded thoughts of our beloved prophet (pbuh). you just follow your hindu religion and let us follow our Islam. don’t interfere in our religion. we don’t interfere in urs. our prophet is our ideal and we don’t obey any other person. we don’t insult your religion and you shouldn’t insult ours. there was no instant triple talak in Islam. if you don’t know the truth, keep silent brother. if you hate Islam, why do you follow the ritual to ask a woman for her consent before marriage? it’s Islamic Trend. why do u put mehndi on hands during festivals? it’s Islamic Trend, why do you use rose water? it’s Islamic research. why do u allow widow’s remarriage? it was started by our prophet. our prophet had came to teach all the people and not just to Muslims. he came to guide the right path to this world. and we will follow him only. you are having so many misbelives about Islam so don’t post comments without knowing truth. she is right about what she says. you don’t know about riots of 2002. why Madam Kodnani and Mr Bajarangi are out of prison? why Asifa’s killers are not being punished just like killers or Nirbhaya? because her name was Asifa? just open the tap from your eyes. did Ram teach you to rap an innocent muslim girl and to kill her? did Ram teach you to kill Muslims in riots of 2002 at Gujarat and during riots of 2020 at Delhi? you are dividing India on the name of hindutva. India is a secular country and will remain so forever. Arya came here from outside only and Dravids were here in India as original indian. how can you call India for the people of any one religion? it’s not possible. either India will remain secular country or nature will control the dirty minded people like you. Muslims are pride of India. mind well and accept the truth. don’t judge without knowing the fact. you people are misguided by some wrong Thinkers.