Kabosu the Shiba Inu Doge meme

Kabosu, The Shiba Inu Behind Doge Meme, Passes Away

Kabosu the Shiba Inu Doge meme

In a heart-wrenching announcement, the world bids farewell to Kabosu, the Shiba Inu whose cheerful expression became the legendary ‘doge’ meme and the face of Dogecoin.

Kabosu passed away peacefully at her home in Sakura, a city east of Tokyo, on Friday. She was 18 years old.

Kabosu’s owner, Atsuko Sato, shared the news on social media, writing, “To all of you who loved Kabosu, On the morning of the 24th of May, Kabosu crossed the rainbow bridge. Thank you all so much for your support over the years. She went very peacefully without suffering, as if falling asleep while feeling the warmth of my hands petting her.”

Sato continued, “Thank you all so much for loving Kabosu all these years. I am certain that Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world. That makes me the happiest owner in the world. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who has sent us much love.”

According to Deadline, Kabosu’s journey to fame began in 2008 when Sato, a kindergarten teacher, adopted her from a shelter after a Shiba Inu breeder went out of business.

Sato’s social media posts of Kabosu, showcasing the dog’s joyful grin and expressive eyes, quickly captured the hearts of followers worldwide.

Fans began adding playful captions like “Much awake!” and “Such wow!” to Kabosu’s photos, cementing her status as an internet phenomenon.

One particular image of Kabosu, with her head tilted, eyes looking directly into the camera, and an enigmatic smile became iconic. This image not only solidified her place in meme history but also inspired the logo of Dogecoin.

In a 2013 interview obtained by Deadline, Sato revealed that Kabosu was named after a round Japanese citrus fruit while at the shelter. “I thought the name was perfect, so I kept it,” she said.

The global community that embraced Kabosu’s charm and wit will remember her fondly.

A farewell party for Kabosu is planned for Sunday in Narita, where fans and friends can pay their respects to the dog who brought joy and laughter to so many. (ANI)

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