‘Though Late, Chaudhary Saab’s Contribution Has Been Recognised’
Ch Mahavir Singh, the grandson of Chaudhary Charan Singh, speaks about the legacy of the tallest Jat leader of our times and the challenges ahead. His views:
When the news of awarding Chaudhary Charan Singh with Bharat Ratna title first reached our village, I was sitting on this worn charpoy in our courtyard. My chest swelled with pride. Soon this information spread like wildfire through Noorpur village and the entire western Uttar Pradesh. The atmosphere was electric, filled with joyous slogans. The villagers could be seen streaming towards the statue of our beloved leader, with garlands in hand, raising slogan in celebration.
Chaudhary Charan Singh wasn’t just a political figure to us; he was the very essence of farmers pride, hope, resilience and determination. Born to a small farmer’s family in Noorpur, he went on become the head the government, a towering figure in Indian politics. His journey has been a testament to the strength of character and unwavering commitment to the cause of the farmers.
As I reminisce about my grandfather’s struggles and triumphs, I cannot help but marvel at the depth of the impact that he made on the lives of farmers in the region. He wasn’t just fighting for himself; he was fighting for every farmer, every peasant, and every underprivileged soul toiling under the scorching sun to make a living from the unforgiving earth.
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‘His struggles were our struggles,’ I often tell this to my children. And today all the memories are flooding back. He served the people well; though late but now he has been recognized by this government. He stood tall against adversity, his voice was a rallying cry for the marginalized and the downtrodden.
As the celebrations continued well into the night, there lingered a palpable sense of uncertainty about the future of my grandfather’s legacy. With Jayant Chaudhary’s decision to join the NDA, there are whispers of doubt among the farming community here. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing remains steadfast: our faith in Jayant.
We have faith in Jayant. He may have chosen a different path, but the farmer spirit runs deep within him. I am confident that he will carry forward the torch of Chaudhary Charan Singh’s legacy, guiding us towards a brighter future.
I find solace in the quiet reflection of our shared history. For in the end, amidst the turns and twists of politics and the passage of time, one truth has remained unshakable: the spirit of Chaudhary Charan Singh lives on, etched forever in the hearts of his people, a beacon of hope for generations to come.
The morning after the night of celebration in our village, I felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring within me. The legacy of my grandfather was not just a memory to be cherished; it was a call to act, a reminder of the responsibility we carry to uphold the values he held dear.
With determination in my heart and the spirit of Chaudhary Charan Singh as my guide, I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we will face them together, united in our commitment to build a better tomorrow for all.
As told to Deepti Sharma
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