Fight Back Work Pressure; Focus on Personal Growth

‘Fight Back Work Pressure; Focus on Personal Growth & Savings’

Himanshu Kohli, a techie employed with the IT sector, offers some advice to handle the hardships and toxic work culture in MNCs. His tips:

Many employees working in private organizations and MNCs often talk about their work pressure, tough deadlines and office stress. A lot of my friends across the industry frequently complain about keeping long hours, not just on weekdays but also on weekends. They confide how they feel choked under a toxic 24x7x365 hustle work culture.

An assignment that would take a few months to complete has to be completed in a month, a task that would take a few weeks has to be completed in one week, and work that should be done in a span of a few days should be over in a day and that of a day in a few hours. You get the drift? That is how it works in IT industry. The pressure is so immense that it takes a toll on people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

And yet, employees go on slogging because they have several obligations to fulfill; these could be repaying home loan or car EMIs or maintaining a certain lifestyle. The fear of not having a job and not being able to pay their EMI on time is horrifying. A lot of managers too want promotions/benefits and take undue advantage of this situation by redirecting more work to their subordinates to make matters worse.

And there is no scope of pushing back and tell your manager: NO. Employees hesitate in talking back to the manager. What if he humiliates me in front of other team members? Or what if the manager wouldn’t give me a good rating. In any case, job opportunities are few and far between. Societal pressure adds to this stress. Being educated and not having a job is looked down upon.

Nevertheless, a positive mindset can help one tide over these choppy waters. I feel that instead of getting bogged down and breaking under pressure, one needs to focus more on personal learnings, give more time to equip oneself with market essential skills and be self-trained. One can always look for better opportunities on the sidelines.

ALSO READ: ‘If Your Job Is Giving You Mental Stress, Dump It’

I must share that all of my friends who got terminated in the last few years were able to land a next job within a few months and they are in a much better place with better salaries. Ruining one’s health or ending life – such as in the case of E&Y employee recently – is really not the solution.

As adults, we need to create a proper work-life balance, take time out for hobbies, go out with our friends and family, keep our professional life separate from our personal life, take proper seven to eight hours of sleep, eat right and indulge in some sports activity… basically live one’s life rather than working like a machine.

There are so many things to do beyond your office. Hit a gym, pick up books on time management, hone you work skills and start investing in various money-saving banking instruments. When you see your money grow, it boosts your confidence. I have friends who have taken retirement from their job as they have enough corpus now and they gradually built a regular SIP (systematic investment plan).

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As told to Deepa Gupta

Youth Wants Job Security & Leakage-Free Exams

‘Youth Wants Job Security & Leakage-Free Exams From Modi 3.0’

Mahendra Vikram, a B. Tech from Kanpur, says Modi in his third term must focus on youths by enhancing job avenues in existing as well as unexplored domains. His views:

I believe among all the issues that the Indian youth are concerned about today, job security sits on the top. The situation is particularly grave in densely populated states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, The shrinking margin of victory for the Narendra Modi government must force the policy makers at the Centre to address this issue.

Besides generating more and more employment in the public sector, the government should also amplify its focus in various other areas of its influence too by creating incentive-based regulations for private players. These should not be focused to a particular region or a state but it should also be extended across the country. In more populous region, for example, the focus could be on labour-intensive skilled jobs.

To begin with, this government should start clearing the backlog vacancies that are in lakhs in almost all the state departments. The backlog is also a major factor of corruption – take for example the electricity sector. In my district itself, most of the power houses are short of engineers and a senior engineer is executing the responsibility of the Ex.En, AE, JE, etc. He is overloaded with work and so is his work which often leads to hushing up responsibilities for obvious gains. This not only affects the quality of work, but also creates scope for pilferage and corruption.

Examination paper leakage is another raging issue that needs to be strictly dealt with. The UP government has introduced the stringent UP Public Examinations Ordinance which includes severe provisions like life imprisonment and fines up to ₹1 crore for those found guilty of leaking examination papers. The Modi government should also work on these lines to check the nuisance which is not only ruining careers but is also costing the aspirants dearly.

ALSO READ: Job Creation Will Be Modi’s Biggest Challenge

In addition, the government should also focus towards better transportation for students and aspirants who routinely face several hardships in reaching the exams centres. My advice is that the government should shun its plan of reducing sleeper bogies and, instead, add additional sleeper and general bogies in the trains at least during the time of examinations.

The government should also focus on opening more and more professional studies institutes like the recently started UP State Institute of Forensic Science in Lucknow. Similar institutes can be set up in the field of media, law, para-medics, performing arts, etc. The ongoing PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana could be further amplified by adding new professional skills into the scheme. At present, the focus of the scheme is to only produce a particular work force such as plumbing, masonry, electrician, carpenter work etc.

The Startup India initiative has been a successful initiative. However, the youth in the Tier 3 and Tier 4 townships are not getting the desired support and avenues. The initiate must penetrate deeper into the country and widen its reach. These are, as I can at present make out, are the aspirations and concerns of the youth who are eagerly waiting to see positive changes in the community and the country.

As told to Rajat Rai

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