Veteran actor Rekha encourages new generation of actors for their splendid performances in movies. Recently, Rekha showered her praise for Rani Mukherjee, who is in the headlines for portraying the lead character in ‘Mrs. Chatterjee v/s Norway’.
After watching the special screening of the movie, Rekha said, “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway, was both exhilarating and heart-wrenching, was sitting at the edge of my seat from the word go. It was an absolute delight to watch the dynamic performance of this ‘Bengal Tigress’ of a mother fight tooth and nail for her kids. This film is for the world to see what ‘Mother India’ is all about! This time around Rani has outdone herself in the role of the Eternal mother… depicting all the faces of Durga Maa… the ultimate ‘Mother’, an intense performance worth watching countless times! She walks through fire, straight into our hearts! What a pleasure to see the actor and character melt into each other! I also want to congratulate the entire cast and crew especially the Director, who were on point and beyond! A special mention of Jim Sarbh for his flawless and constrained performance! Extremely grateful and proud to witness this brave film which reinforces the fact that there is nothing mightier than a ‘Mother’s Might’!”
Rekha and Rani posed for the shutterbugs after the screening. Rani wore a yellow-coloured shirt while Rekha was dressed in a pastel-coloured dress.
Directed by Ashima Chibber, ‘Mrs. Chatterjee VS Norway’ talks about the life of an immigrant mother who fights against all odds to win back the custody of her children. Neena Gupta, Jim Sarbh and Bengali actor Anirban Bhattacharya played pivotal roles in the movie.
The movie is slated to release in halls on March 17. (ANI)
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