मेडिकल प्रैक्टिशनर डॉ. सुनील जिंदल

कहने को बस एक पेपर लीक, मगर छात्रों को गहरी तकलीफ

यूपी के मेरठ स्थित मेडिकल प्रैक्टिशनर डॉ. सुनील जिंदल का कहना है कि हाल ही में NEET पेपर लीक को राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी के लिए एक चेतावनी के रूप में काम करना चाहिए। उनके विचार:

“NEET पेपर लीक की हालिया घटना ने 12 युवा छात्रों की दुखद आत्महत्या के कारण महत्वाकांक्षी डॉक्टरों के सपनों पर काली छाया डाल दी है। यह घटना हमारे युवाओं पर परीक्षा धोखाधड़ी द्वारा थोपे गए अत्यधिक दबाव और प्रभाव को उजागर करती है।

यह कहानी टूटे हुए सपनों और भरोसे के बारे में है, जहां इन मासूम बच्चों की कोई गलती नहीं है। न केवल अपना बल्कि देश का भविष्य सुरक्षित करने के लिए परीक्षा में शामिल होने से हमारी आने वाली पीढ़ी को बहुत आघात पहुंचा है।

मेडिकल पेशे में शामिल होने का लक्ष्य रखने वाले छात्रों के लिए NEET एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रवेश द्वार है। जब परीक्षा के प्रश्नपत्र लीक हो जाते हैं, तो प्रतियोगिता की निष्पक्षता ख़त्म हो जाती है। जिन छात्रों ने वर्षों तक कड़ी मेहनत की है, वे अचानक खुद को एक धांधली वाले खेल में पाते हैं, जिससे निराशा की भावना पैदा होती है।

इस तरह के महत्वपूर्ण पेपर लीक के मद्देनजर, एक डॉक्टर के रूप में मुझे जो पहला विचार परेशान करता है, वह मानसिक स्वास्थ्य संकट है जिसका लाखों छात्रों को सामना करना पड़ेगा।

नीट की तैयारी का तनाव पहले से ही बहुत ज्यादा है। इसमें लीक हुई परीक्षा की अनिश्चितता और अनुचितता भी जोड़ दें तो मानसिक बोझ असहनीय हो जाता है। हमने जो दुखद परिणाम देखे हैं, वे छात्रों के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ने वाले गंभीर प्रभाव की गंभीर याद दिलाते हैं।

बेशक, करियर में देरी और अनिश्चितता को लेकर गंभीर परेशानी है, खासकर उन बच्चों के मामले में जो आर्थिक रूप से स्थिर पृष्ठभूमि से नहीं आते हैं। आर्थिक रूप से स्थिर भविष्य हासिल करके अपने माता-पिता और परिवार के लिए संपत्ति बनने की उनकी उम्मीदें धूमिल हैं। इस तरह की पेपर लीक की घटनाएं छात्रों की करियर योजनाओं को पटरी से उतार देती हैं, जिससे देरी और अतिरिक्त तनाव होता है। उचित मौका न मिलने का डर सबसे प्रतिभाशाली दिमागों को भी अपने सपनों को पूरा करने से हतोत्साहित कर सकता है, जिससे निराशा और चिंता का प्रभाव पैदा हो सकता है। ऐसे प्रतिस्पर्धी समय और ऐसी कठिन परीक्षाओं में यह सब बेहद निराशाजनक स्थिति है।

और ये अकेले छात्र की पीड़ा नहीं है. यह सब परिवारों और दोस्तों पर बहुत बड़ा प्रभाव डालता है और देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक का मनोबल गिराता है। लोगों का मोहभंग हो गया है और उन्हें अब देश की शिक्षा प्रणाली और उसकी प्रभावशीलता पर विश्वास नहीं रह गया है। पेपर लीक एक ऐसी चीज़ है जो कभी नहीं होनी चाहिए और नीट या यूजीसी नेट जैसी कठिन परीक्षा में तो बिल्कुल भी नहीं होनी चाहिए। इन परीक्षाओं पर युवाओं की जिंदगी टिकी होती है। हम, जो वास्तव में इससे नहीं गुजरते, मानसिक, भावनात्मक और मनोवैज्ञानिक रूप से टूटे हुए छात्र की दुर्दशा की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते। माता-पिता, जो अपने बच्चों की शिक्षा में भारी निवेश करते हैं, निराश हो जाते हैं। शैक्षणिक विफलता का सामाजिक कलंक दबाव को बढ़ाता है, जिससे यह एक साझा पारिवारिक आघात बन जाता है।
तो वास्तव में करने की ज़रूरत यह है कि सरकार को भविष्य में ऐसा कभी नहीं होने देना चाहिए। सुरक्षा कड़ी करो. पेपर लीक और धोखाधड़ी को रोकने के लिए सख्त उपाय लागू करें। जो भी इसे चाहिए दो।
अभी के लिए, तुरंत मानसिक स्वास्थ्य सहायता प्रदान करें। ⁠छात्रों के लिए परामर्श और तनाव प्रबंधन संसाधनों की व्यवस्था करें। निष्पक्षता सुनिश्चित करें. प्रक्रिया में छात्रों का विश्वास बहाल करने के लिए एक पारदर्शी और जवाबदेह परीक्षा प्रणाली का निर्माण करें।
हाल ही में हुआ नीट पेपर लीक एक खतरे की घंटी है। हमें अपने युवा उम्मीदवारों को परीक्षा धोखाधड़ी के विनाशकारी प्रभावों से बचाने और उनके सपनों के लिए उचित मार्ग सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अभी कार्रवाई करनी चाहिए।“
रविंदर सिंह द्वारा अनुदित
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Modi Speaks to Manu Bhaker

PM Modi Speaks To Manu Bhaker On Phone To Congratulate Her

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Manu Bhaker on Sunday and congratulated the Indian shooter for winning the bronze medal in the final of the 10 Metre Women’s Air Pistol event at the ongoing Paris Olympics.

Bhaker became the first Indian woman to win a medal in shooting at Olympics. Bhaker brought India’s first medal in the ongoing mega event as she won a bronze medal with a score of 221.7.

PM Modi said that although the 22-year-old shooter missed a silver medal by just 0.1 point but still she has made the nation proud .

“Congratulations, Manu, on the victory. I am very happy as you won a medal. Although you missed a silver medal by just 0.1 point, but still you made the country proud…,” PM Modi said.

It was a redemption arc for Manu after her pistol malfunctioned at the Tokyo Olympics. She made history by becoming the first Indian woman in 20 years to reach a shooting final in an individual event of Olympics since Suma Shirur in 2004.

South Korea’s Ye Jin clinched the gold medal with an Olympic record of 243.2 points. Her compatriot, Kim Yeji, settled for silver with 241.3 points.

On the opening day, Bhaker finished third in the qualification round of the women’s 10 Metre Air Pistol to qualify for the final at the ongoing Paris Olympics on Saturday. While Rhythm Sangwan failed to make her place in the final after finishing in 15th place. (ANI)

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‘Munak Canal Breach Sunk All Our Belongings; We’re Struggling To Survive’

Neelam Devi, 22, a resident of Bawana Jhuggi Jhopri colony which was flooded due to a breach in Haryana-Delhi canal, recounts her travails.

A breach in the canal that supplies water from Haryana to Delhi turned our lives upside down. I remember the night it happened. We had heard rumors of a breach, but no one took it seriously. It wasn’t the first time we’d heard such things. However, this time, the whispers turned into reality. The water came rushing in like a beast unleashed, and in no time, our streets were submerged, creating knee-deep pool in our JJ cluster. The floodwater showed no mercy, rising relentlessly, swallowing everything in their path. Our homes, our belongings, and our hopes were all consumed.

At first, we tried to save what we could. My husband and I scrambled to gather our valuables, but the water rose too quickly. We had to abandon everything and run for our lives. In the chaos, we lost more than just our possessions; we lost our sense of security and the little savings we had painstakingly gathered over the years. Those savings were meant for our children’s education, for emergencies, for a better future. Now, they are gone, washed away by the merciless floodwaters.

The aftermath has been nothing short of a nightmare. With our home destroyed, we have nowhere to go. The temporary shelters are overcrowded and inadequate. There’s barely enough space to lie down, let alone sleep. The stench of stagnant water fills the air, making it hard to breathe. Mosquitoes breed in the puddles, bringing the threat of disease. My children, already weak from hunger, are now at risk of falling sick.

ALSO READ: ‘Delhi Daily-wagers Are Worst Affected By Floods’

Food is scarce. The little we had was either destroyed or spoiled by the flood. The government promised help, but it’s been days, and we’ve seen nothing. No food rations, no clean water, no medical aid. My children cry out in hunger, their eyes pleading for something to eat, but I have nothing to give them. As a mother, there is no greater pain than watching your children suffer and feeling helpless to ease their pain.

The government’s response has been disheartening. There were no warnings, no preparations, no plans in place to deal with such a catastrophe. We were left to fend for ourselves. The authorities visited once, took some pictures, made promises, and left. Since then, we have seen no sign of assistance. We are stranded, forgotten, and desperate.

Each day is a struggle for survival. We scavenge for food, beg for help, and cling to the hope that someone, somewhere, will hear our cries. But with each passing day, that hope fades a little more. The world moves on, but for us, time stands still, trapped in this watery hell.

The children’s schoolbooks, and our family photos, were all gone. Our dreams for a better future seem distant now, buried under the floodwaters. But despite the hardships, we find strength in each other. In this dire situation, we have come together as a community, helping one another as best as possible. We share what little we have, offer comfort, and hold on to the belief that we will get through this, somehow.

We need help, and we need it urgently. The government must step up and fulfill its promises. We need food, clean water, medical aid, and a plan to rebuild our lives. This flood has taken everything from us, but it has not broken our spirit. We can rise above this disaster and our lives with the right support.

As told to Deepti Sharma

Predator drone deal US

US To Provide Consultancy To India To Build Advanced UAVs

As part of the USD 3.1 billion 31 MQ-9B Predator drone deal between India and the US, American side is proposing to provide consultancy to Indian entities for developing an indigenous advanced unmanned aerial vehicle.

India and the US have been holding discussions for the drone deal for the last few years, under which the three services will get the 31 drones, with the Navy getting 15 birds and the Air Force and Army and Air Force getting two each.

The American offer to provide consultancy to Indian entities for developing an advanced Indian drone as part of the project is expected to be taken up for discussion and clearance at the Defence Acquisition Council meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, defence sources told ANI.

This would be the first meeting of the DAC under Narendra Modi 3.0 and is expected to provide boost to the indigenization process in defence sector under Rajnath Singh.

Sources said that the consultancy is expected to cut down the time taken for development of a highly advanced drone by a significant margin.

The MQ-9B drones are planned to be deployed at four places, including INS Rajaji near Chennai and Porbandar in Gujarat, by the Indian Navy, while the other two services will keep them jointly at two bases in Sarsawa and Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh at Air Force bases due to long runway requirements.

The American firm involved in the government-to-government deal is General Atomics, whose officials held discussions with Indian side in the last few weeks in this regard, the sources said.

Sarsawa and Gorakhpur as bases will help in boosting military surveillance capabilities all along the Line of Actual Control with China, from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh.

The drone deal is being done at the tri-service level, with the Indian Navy leading the negotiations for it with the American side.

The MQ-9B drones require a significant runway length for take off and landing which are available with the Indian Air Force. As per the drone deal with the US, 31 MQ-9B drones are being acquired of which 15 would be for coverage of the maritime zone and would be deployed by the Indian Navy.

The IAF and the Army will have eight each of these highly capable long endurance drones and would be able to cover almost all the areas of interest along the LAC with support from other existing assets.

The American side has given its letter of acceptance to the Indian side at a price tag of around USD 4 billion but India is not planning to take the entire package and the cost for it would be lower than that.

With a flight time of over 36 hours at heights over 40,000 feet, the drones can be armed with Hellfire air-to-ground missiles and smart bombs, this fighter-sized drone specializes in(intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) missions.

The Predator drones are expected to significantly enhance India’s ability to conduct unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance patrols, particularly in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and along its land borders with China and Pakistan.

MQ-9B has proven to be a critical asset in safeguarding India’s security interests, as it was used to extensively to monitor anti-piracy operations from naval headquarters to get a clear picture of the actions taking place almost 3,000 km from Indian shores. (ANI)

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Jaishankar, Blinken Express Commitment To Promoting Free, Open, Prosperous Indo-Pacific

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar held a meeting with his US counterpart Antony Blinken in Tokyo on Sunday and expressed commitment to promoting a free, open and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.

During the meeting, the two leaders discussed upcoming opportunities to strengthen collaboration between India and the US on shared priorities, according to the statement released by the US State Department.

In a statement, the US State Department said, “Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar today in Tokyo. Secretary Blinken and External Affairs Minister Jaishankar affirmed the United States and India’s commitment to promoting a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.”

“The Secretary and the External Affairs Minister discussed upcoming opportunities to deepen U.S.-India collaboration on shared priorities. Secretary Blinken underscored the importance of realizing a just and enduring peace for Ukraine consistent with the UN Charter,” it added.

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu and US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller were present in the meeting.

In a post on X, Blinken stated, “Met with Indian External Affairs Minister @DrSJaishankar

to deepen U.S.-India collaboration and affirm our shared commitment to regional peace, security, and prosperity.”

EAM Jaishankar said that he and Blinken held talks on regional and global issues. Jaishankar said that he looked forward to attending the Quad Foreign Ministers Meeting on Monday.

Taking to X, Jaishankar stated, “Great to catch up with @SecBlinken in Tokyo today. Our bilateral agenda progresses steadily. Also had a wide ranging discussion on regional and global issues. Look forward to attending the Quad FMM tomorrow.”

Quad is a diplomatic partnership between Australia, India, Japan, and the United States committed to supporting an open, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient, according to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Earlier in the day, Jaishankar unveiled the bust of Mahatma Gandhi at Freedom Plaza in Edogawa, Tokyo.

He attended the ceremony in the presence of Edogawa Mayor, Takeshi Saito, Sibi George, the Ambassador of India to Japan and other ministers, with a group of schoolchildren singing Gandhi’s favourite prayer, “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram.”

In a post on X, Jaishankar stated, “Started my visit to Tokyo in Edogawa, unveiling bust of Gandhiji. Bapu’s achievements continue to inspire us to this day and his message of peace and non-violence is timeless. His principles are even more relevant today when the world sees so much conflict, tension and polarization.”

“Thank Mayor Takeshi Saito, Parliamentary Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Masahiro Komura, Member of Parliament Hideo Onishi, members of the Indian community and friends of India for joining us. Happy to learn from the Mayor that the Park, close to the heart of Indian community in Tokyo, would also be soon named as the Gandhi Park,” he added.

He also met members of Indian community in Japan. In a post on X, Jaishankar stated, “The Little India in Edogawa is thriving. Happy to see the strong people-to-people bonds.” (ANI)

Manu Bhaker Paris Olympics Bronze

Manu Bhaker Scripts History, First Indian Woman To Win Medal In Shooting

Ace India shooter Manu Bhaker finished third to secure a bronze medal in the final of the Women’s Air Pistol event in the ongoing Paris Olympics 2024 on Sunday.

She became the first Indian women to win a medal in shooting at Olympics. 

Bhaker brought India’s first medal in the ongoing mega event as she won a bronze medal with a score of 221.7. 

It was a redemption arc for Manu after her pistol malfunctioned in Tokyo Olympics. She scripted history by becoming the first Indian woman in 20 years to reach an shooting final in an individual event of Olympics since Suma Shirur in 2004.

South Korea’s Ye Jin clinched the gold medal with an Olympic record of 243.2 points. Her compatriot, Kim Yeji settled for silver with 241.3 points.

On the opening day, Bhaker finished third in the qualification round of Women’s 10 Metre Air Pistol to qualify for the final at the ongoing Paris Olympics on Saturday. While Rhythm Sangwan failed to make her place in the final after finishing in 15th place. (ANI)

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Rocky Aur Rani

‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ Completes An Year; BTS Clips Shared

As the film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ marks its first anniversary, actor Ranveer Singh, aka Rocky Randhawa, left fans in awe with a series of funny behind-the-scenes clips.

On his Instagram account, Ranveer, on Sunday, celebrated the one-year milestone of the film’s release. He shared a multi-picture post that showcased some memorable moments from the set.

Along with the post, Ranveer wrote a caption in his signature Rocky style, that read, “Anniversary toh spashiyal day hota hai! Aap sab ne hamari film ko itna pyar diya.. by God I am just so heppi, soooo heppi!!! Bade-wale thanks aur Rocky-wali jhappi. Love hai toh sab hai!”

The series of posts began with an adorable moment where Ranveer and director Karan Johar shared a warm hug, captured by co-star Alia Bhatt during the shooting of the song “Dhindhora Baje Re.”

The second slide featured a video showcasing Ranveer’s iconic styles from the film, followed by a third slide featuring a playful reference to the cartoon character Johnny Bravo.

One of the standout clips was a fun boomerang with veteran actress Jaya Bachchan, who displayed quirky expressions, adding to the fun.

Earlier in the day, director Karan Johar expressed his gratitude to the cast and crew with a heartfelt note.

Taking to his Instagram, Karan shared memorable glimpses from the film, celebrating its one-year anniversary.

Alongside the post, he wrote a long note sharing his emotions and thanking everyone involved in the film.

“Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani turns 1 today – and I am so heppy…so heppy! I am so humbled and grateful for the huge amount of love that has come my way this past year. The film was a celebration of Hindi cinema and I’m so honoured to have had such a celebrated cast and crew on the film!!!!”, Karan Johar wrote on Instagram.

‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ starred Ranveer and Alia in lead roles, and was released on July 28, last year. The film received much love from the audience, becoming a major hit.

The movie also starred veteran actors Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, and Shabana Azmi, alongside Tota Roy Chowdhury, Churni Ganguly, Aamir Bashir, and Kshitee Jog. (ANI)

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Actor Huma Qureshi

Huma Receives Cutest Birthday Wish From Bestie Sonakshi

Actor Huma Qureshi, who celebrated her birthday Sunday, received a cute wish from her best friend forever (BFF) Sonakshi Sinha.

On Sunday, Sonakshi took to her Instagram account to share a special post for Huma.

In the picture, the two friends can be seen laughing hysterically while posing together.

Alongside the picture, Sonakshi wrote, “Happy birthday to this crazy HUMA-n.”

Huma recently witnessed the ‘beautiful mad passionate love story’ of her best friends, Sonakshi and Zaheer Iqbal, which took place last month. Overwhelmed by the love and joy, Huma expressed her feelings about the happy occasion.

Huma took to Instagram handle and posted a picture of the couple from their big day.

Along with the picture, she penned a message for the couple, which read, “Two most different personalities … two unique souls …. But … together you fit perfectly. I’m so blessed to have witnessed this beautiful mad passionate love story .. my friends are now husband and wife @aslisona @iamzahero.”

Sonakshi and Zaheer got married on June 23 in the presence of their loved ones at their residence in Mumbai. It was an intimate wedding.

The civil wedding was followed by a wedding bash at Bastian which saw numerous Bollywood celebrities in attendance.

The reception was attended by a constellation of Bollywood stars, including Salman Khan, Vidya Balan with Siddharth Roy Kapur, and veteran actress Saira Banu, among others, who came to congratulate the couple and celebrate their union.

Sonakshi and Zaheer dated for seven years before solemnising their relationship.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonakshi’s horror-comedy film ‘Kakuda’, which is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar was released on ZEE5 on July 12. The film also stars Riteish Deshmukh and Saqib Saleem. (ANI)

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Vicky Kaushal

Vicky Drops New Pic Flaunting His Muscular Body

Actor Vicky Kaushal, who is currently enjoying the success of his recent film ‘Bad Newz,’ has once again grabbed everyone’s attention with his latest post.

Taking to his Instagram, Vicky shared a striking photo of himself posing in the water.

In the picture, the ‘Masaan’ actor flaunts his muscular body, looking fit and confident.

Along with the photo, Vicky added a playful caption that reads, “Gaane vangu mukde thodi aa patlo!”

Fans of the ‘Uri’ actor quickly flooded the comments section.

One fan wrote, “Vicky pleeeejjj, ek he jaan hai kitni baar loge.” Another simply commented, “hot.”

The film, released on July 19, seems to be a successor to the 2019 hit ‘Good Newwz,’ which starred Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh in the lead roles.

This film takes a hilarious detour from the usual rom-com tropes, diving into the chaotic world of heteropaternal superfecundation–a fancy way of saying two dads, one mom, and one bun in the oven!

‘Bad Newz’ is co-produced by Tiwari along with Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Amritpal Singh Bindra.

The romantic comedy stars actors Vicky Kaushal, Ammy Virk, and Triptii Dimri in lead roles.

‘Bad Newz’ also has special cameos by actresses Ananya Panday and Neha Sharma.

Directed by Anand Tiwari, ‘Bad Newz’ also has special cameos by actresses Ananya Panday and Neha Sharma. (ANI)

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Jairam Ramesh Budget Modi Sitaraman

FM’s Budget Speech Shows Modi’s Double Standards: Jairam Ramesh

Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh on Sunday accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led central government of double standards, asserting that the Finance Minister’s Budget 2024 provided a “vivid illustration” by offering grants to BJP-ruled states while only providing repayable loans to Congress-governed Himachal Pradesh.

In a post on X, Jairam Ramesh said, “Yesterday, the self-anointed non-biological Prime Minister said that Viksit Bharat depends on Viksit states – wow, such a profundity.”

“If only he put the taxpayer’s money where his mouth is! After the disastrous floods of 2023, the Government of Himachal Pradesh repeatedly demanded that the Union Government declare the floods a national calamity – a plea which the Finance Minister repeatedly rejected. Now, in her Budget Speech, when allocating funds for irrigation and flood mitigation, the Finance Minister has provided a vivid illustration of the double standards at work in the non-biological PM’s Government,” Congress general secretary said in the post.

“Basically, what the FM has said is that BJP-ruled states will get financial assistance in the form of grants. When it comes to INC-governed Himachal Pradesh, however, the assistance will be “arranged through multilateral development assistance”, i.e., loans that it will have to repay. Himachal Pradesh – which is historically a fiscally challenged state due to its remote geography and challenging terrain – will be burdened with more loans. This is nothing but revenge on the people who did NOT vote for the BJP in assembly elections,” the Congress leader said in the post.

Notably, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had made major announcements for Bihar, including a boost in infrastructure and special financial support.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had accused the Centre of favouring BJP-ruled states by providing them privileges and packages.

Banerjee who had walked out from a NITI Aayog meeting held on Saturday in New Delhi said, “I said whatever I could in the 3 to 4 minutes that I got. In the entire country, the way in which all the opposition-ruled states have been neglected while BJP-ruled states and their alliance members have been favoured, we don’t have any objection if any state is given more money, but this is not acceptable that someone will get and someone will not get at all.” (ANI)

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